Like Chrome and Firefox, Opera also has cross-device syncing features. Opera also has its own take on the social sidebar with one-click access to services such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Telegram. It also has built-in ad and tracker blocking, a snapshot tool, a unit converter for time zones and currency, and the mobile versions of Opera come with a built-in cryptocurrency wallet. It comes with a built-in VPN-though we don’t recommend using it.
Opera is really one of the more under-rated browsers around. Opera Operaīefore Chrome, Opera was a popular choice among power users. It also supports an optional Facebook Container extension that prevents the social network from tracking you across the web. Firefox does away with this by including ad and tracker blockers when using incognito mode. But most of the time these private modes still allow websites to track your activity for that specific session. All browsers have a private mode that lets you browse without any of your activity being logged in your saved history. Where Firefox has really stood out in recent years is with the browser’s incognito mode. There isn’t much to Chrome except a huge URL bar-known as the OmniBar-plus a space for extensions, a bookmarking icon, tabs, and that’s it. Google’s browser has built a dedicated fan base thanks to its massive extensions library, and the fact that it just gets out of your way to put the focus on web content, not the browser’s trimmings.Ĭhrome isn’t quite as simplistic as it once was, but it’s still very easy to use. (If none of these internet browsers strike your fancy, head over to PCWorld’s roundup of 10 intriguing alternative browsers.) Browsers in brief Chrome GoogleĪ perennial favorite, Google Chrome tops the metrics charts of both StatCounter and NetMarketShare by a huge margin. You’re not losing much, if anything, if you stick with Chrome instead. This year, Edge (yes, Edge) is our top pick, but don’t get too excited.
Last time around, Opera topped our charts as the best browser to get. Let’s take a look at the four major options-Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera-to see how they stack up in 2020.